
Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!!

Well I knew this was going to be a great day from the start.  I was laying in bed thinking about all I had to do today when I heard birds singing very loudly. Now let me clarify this.  I sleep with a fan going so I DON'T hear any noise but God wanted to say happy birthday and yes I heard it.  So first I say thank you God.  Then I got to go to the zoo with my daughter for a field trip which was incredible. So besides getting lost trying to find the car in the zoo parking lot and having to take Hogan to the doctor immediately from picking him up from his father's work (he had hives from head to toe which the Doc said was caused walking pnuemonia--I know I spelled this wrong) nothing could have made this day go bad.  When God says happy birthday you know you've been blessed! Oh and did I mention that the kids both made me birthday cards.  How can it get any better than that. So here is my verse for the day==

Psalms 139:14-"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well".

Here are the b-day cards my kids made (awe!!!!)


  1. Happy B-day! So does this end the week long celebration, or can you pull it off some more tomorrow? I hope you have a great day. Isn't getting older great?!

  2. I hope you had a great birthday!!
