Hogan had his tournament today and boy was it crazy! The first game we lost in the bottom of the last inning when the other team made a triple play (yes I said TRIPLE play). They caught the ball but our boys still ran which they promptly tagged both of our runners out. Ouch!! Anyway, the next game went into triple overtime, which happens when both teams fail to get 3 outs before the 7 run limit. At the bottom of the sixth inning we had 2 outs and they had 6 runs. The kid at the plate hit a line drive in the air at our 2nd baseman who quickly put his glove in front of his face to protect himself and somehow ended up with the ball in it. We as parents who had endured the OVER two hour game were more excited than the kids. The only downfall to winning this game is that we have to (I mean GET to) play again tomorrow. YEA!!! I'll let you know how we do. Until then GO PIRATES GO!!!
It's all about the fun drinks
4 weeks ago
Go Hogan! GO!