Well I don't know about you but I am tired of it raining. Not that I don't appreciate the precipitation that we so desperately needed, but that it has not stopped in like a week or so. Every time I go outside it is raining! Reasons rain can drive you crazy: 1. the most obvious- you are constantly getting wet which leads to. 2. your hair- you might as well not even bother with it. 3. every practice/t-ball game that you have scheduled but 2 or 3 has been rained (or "winded") out 4. your kitchen is a mess constantly due to 2 dogs which need in and out on a continual basis 5. your kids are going stir crazy therefore driving you crazy. The list can go on and on. Now for reasons that the rain is good: 1. It waters your lawn (oh which by the way you haven't been able to mow for over 2 weeks now so maybe it can drive you crazy too) 2. it's pretty to listen to for like 1 day or so 3. hmmmmm sorry can't think of anything else. Anyway, let me know if you can think of other reasons the rain is good. Hope you are not letting the rain drive you crazy as I am trying not too!!
It's all about the fun drinks
4 weeks ago
Glad I am not the only one going insane. In the words of my big sis, "I am going to get in my car and head south till I hit sunshine." Border, here I come!